International Art Networks Residency

Art Networks Residency

Dear global artists and creatives of all arts,

No one can deny that our era is marked by strong elements of isolation and the commodification of everything, including human relationships. As artists and creative individuals, we have an urgent need for teamwork and open communication. Especially as professionals in the arts, we need collaborations both within and beyond the narrow borders of our countries, the exchange of ideas, and the finding of resources for the production and sustainability of our work and our way of life.

For those of us who make a living or try to cover some expenses through our art, it is absolutely essential to acquire the know-how and networking.

The “art networks” call is addressed to artists interested in participating in the creation of an international network of exchange, collaboration, and support through various activities. It is a residency that will take place on the island of Poros in Greece, organized by the members of the artistic multi-space Calderone. It hopes to bring together artists and creative individuals from around the world and initiate a much larger and active network.

Dates: October 28 – November 4, 2024
Location: Niki’s Village Hotel and Apartments, Poros, Greece
Cost: €250 per person

The fee includes accommodation, breakfast, and the “Marketing for Creatives” workshop. All rooms have kitchens, and cooking will be a collective activity. The fee does not include travel to and from Poros, drinks, or cooking materials.

Alternative Participation: For those unable to attend the entire residency, it is possible to participate for a minimum of 3 days at a cost of €50 per day.

What to Expect:

  1. Workshop “Marketing for Creatives”: We will discuss traditional marketing and its specific nuances for artists and artistic spaces – 2 hours/day.
  2. Discussions and Knowledge Exchange: Planning around funding opportunities from private and public sectors in different countries – 2 hours/day.
  3. Co-living and Co-creation: Opportunities for collaborative artistic projects, with plans for potential relocation of our projects to other countries or within Greece at Calderone.
  4. Daily Workshops: Topics will be proposed and led by participants (final program to be announced after participant registration is complete).
  5. Initiation of a Core Group: Establishing the first nucleus of the network and division of responsibilities such as website creation, social media management, funding opportunities, etc.

Who Can Participate: Professional artists of all arts, individuals interested in working in the field of artistic production, and those who plan to engage with the organizational aspects of the network without necessarily participating in the artistic activities. Maximum number of participants is 12, including hosts.

Language of the project: English

Application Process: Fill out the participation form bellow, and we will contact you via email.